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FullCircl Support for Discussing Underinsurance
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January 2025

FullCircl Support for Discussing Underinsurance

Since the Insurance act 2015, how companies are affected by underinsurance has changed. It has never been more important to ensure that your clients are covered to the right level to limit their exposure.

How FullCircl can help!

As well as receiving news and insights, providing reasons to engage with your clients; FullCircl also included a range of data sources and key financial information to help you prepare for your conversations with clients.

Sums insured

First select the company you are interested, you can search from the bar at the top of the page, select the company from the A-Z drop down or find the company in your watchlist.


On the company briefing page, under the data section, you can see a summary of key financial metrics, in simple to read, graph format – this is a great way to see any trends in the company’s finance, helping you to estimate any trends for the coming renewal.

Is turnover growing year on year? This should be taken into consideration with this years projections.


Under the data tab, you can find information on a company’s last four years of accounts.

Included in this section is valuable information to help you have better conversations with your client.

Total Turnover – Is the Public Liability Limit correct?

Export Turnover – Opportunity to discuss Marine Insurance?

Cost of sales – When deducted from turnover can provide a provisional estimate for gross profit, helping you discuss the requirement for an increase on the Business Interruption Cover.

Under the balance sheet section, you will find a range of information that will support you discussing sums insured, including land & buildings and plant and vehicles.

Under company ratio’s and disclosures you will find valuable information, including number of employees and employee salary – key for EL Cover.

Hot tip

Combining more than one piece of information can be useful for identifying potential issues – for example, if the ratio between turnover and employee numbers is increasing, there is a higher chanceof an injury claim; this could be a valuable time to discuss risk management support or increasing the limit on Management Liability cover.


You can also access and download copies of companies annual accounts, which includes the strategic report, a great place to understand a companies goals and plans for the future.

Are they expanding? This could result in an increase being required to their PL, EL or building sum insured.

Are they moving into new markets? Does the business description need updating? Are the correctly covered for all activities undertaken?

Mortgages and charges

Here you will find information on any loans or debt facilities a company has taken out.

If a company has re-mortgaged, or taken a new mortgage in the last 12 months, this can be a good indicator that the sum insured for buildings needs adjusting.

Has the company made arrangements for asset finance? This could mean they have purchased new machinery, equipment or vehicles and need to revise the sum insured, alternatively they may have refinanced existing equipment but this is a great place to check the value of the machinery to ensure they are covered for the right amount.

Did you know?

  • You can download all the information on the data tab, allowing you to take it with you to a client meeting.
  • Just click the print button at the top of the page and you have a hard copy to include in your renewal pack.
  • Alternatively, you can email the document to yourself, allowing you to have an eco-friendly copy to hand whenever you need.

For more information

please contact your Customer Success Manager

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