Product release notes

See the latest from FullCircl including feature releases, product improvements and partner integrations

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Email Notification Updates

We've updated the design of our Daily News and Engagement Signals emails.

May 2024

We've updated the design of our Daily News and Engagement Signals emails.

Daily News

Daily News alerts are sent via email for each of your Watchlists. The email provides a summary of the top three articles found for each business within the watchlist to help keep you updated on the latest news on the companies you are following and alerting you to reasons to engage with clients and prospects.

Screenshot of the new design of a Daily News email alert.
Daily News Email

Engagement Signals

Weekly notifications are sent via email to provide you with reasons to engage with your customers or prospects.

Screenshot showing the new design of the Engagement Signals email alert
Engagement Signals Email

To receive emails, go to your profile settings and select ‘Yes’ to ‘Send Email Alerts’.

Screenshot of 'Your Email Preferences' settings within the FullCircl platform

Expanded Financial Data

Access financial data for companies spanning 20 years, allowing deeper analysis of financial health over time.

May 2024

Access financial data for companies spanning 20 years, allowing deeper analysis of financial health over time.

Historical data can reveal trends, patterns, and potential red flags that may impact current and future financial health. This data can help to assess a company's ability to meet financial obligations and manage risks over time. 

To view financial data, go to the Data tab of a company and click on the Financials section. Scroll across to see historical financial data.

Screenshot of the FullCircl platform showing the Financials section. This also shows a bar to scroll across to see 20 years of financial data.o
W2 by FullCircl
W2 by FullCircl

Watchlist Category Filters

The introduction of categories has been added to our Watchlist (006) service, enabling AML matches to be classified into specific categories: Adverse Media, Politically Exposed Person (PEP), State Owned Entities (SOE), Sanctions, Enforcements, and Registrations.

May 2024

The introduction of categories has been added to our Watchlist (006) service, enabling AML matches to be classified into specific categories: Adverse Media, Politically Exposed Person (PEP), State Owned Entities (SOE), Sanctions, Enforcements, and Registrations.

This enhancement is particularly beneficial for customers seeking a more targeted service to reduce false positives. Customers often encounter numerous irrelevant matches, which don't align with their risk appetite or specific search needs, such as excluding adverse media matches. By allowing granular filtering of searches, our service ensures that users can focus on the most relevant categories, thereby reducing unnecessary matches and associated costs.

Quick Search

The categories filter is found in the filters section of the quick search form.

Screenshot of the Quick Search section of the portal showing a drop down menu of the new categories


The same filtering can be applied through API searches. The filter is added to the query options section of an API request. 

See more information about this in our Developer Documentation.

Screenshot of the W2 by FullCircl Developer Documentation showing information about the new Categories feature


Categories can be filtered before and after a screening.  

Before a screening

A Monitoring account can have a filter applied to search only a section of the data. E.g. only Adverse Media. 

Existing Monitoring accounts will not be changed as a result of this release, and they will continue to check against the full file as they currently do.

After a screening

Alerts can be filtered by category in the Portal. For instance, if a customer wants to work through all their Sanctions alerts before looking at their Adverse Media alerts. 

This can be done by visiting the Alerts page in the Portal. Once there, add the column using the ‘Columns’ button, then use the ‘Filter’ button to select which category you want to see. The categories are cumulative so you can add more than one at a time. 

Screenshot of the Alerts section of the portal showing filters and categories.

FCA Indicator

We've introduced a new feature that indicates whether a company is authorised by the FCA.

May 2024

We’ve introduced a new feature that indicates whether a company is authorised by the FCA.

Additionally, we have updated our status indicators to display the 'official' status from Companies House. This enhancement enables us to show a broader range of company statuses beyond just active or inactive, providing users with more detailed information, such as an intermediate status like "in administration".

A screenshot of the FullCircl platform data page showing the new FCA authorisation status


Find Companies

We’ve improved our prospecting tool to help you save time and uncover opportunities like never before. By streamlining search and expanding options to filter, the new search interface helps customers identify companies that fit their bespoke criteria in less time and with greater flexibility.

April 2024

We’ve improved our prospecting tool to help you save time and uncover opportunities like never before. By streamlining search and expanding options to filter, the new search interface helps customers identify companies that fit their bespoke criteria in less time and with greater flexibility.

Screenshot of the FullCircl platform showing the Find feature, with a list of filters on the left and results table in the middle of the platform.
Find Companies

Advanced search filters

Narrow down your search criteria with precision using our 90 filters in 10 different groups. Find prospects by financial characteristics, geography, industry, credit profiles, ownership characteristics and more.

A zoomed in list of the the filters on the FullCircl Find feature.

Additional Boolean criteria

Improve your prospecting capabilities with the addition of Boolean criteria. Now, you can create highly customised and precise search queries using Boolean logic, helping you accurately target lists.

A screenshot of the FullCircl Find tool showing the Boolean feature.
Boolean Logic

Customised results table

Display the data that matters most with our new customised results table feature, allowing you to build a results table that aligns perfectly with your prospecting strategy.


Team collaboration

Streamline your team’s efforts by sharing saved searches as a template to make it easier and faster for other colleagues. Sharing is simple, and colleagues can see that a search has been shared with them.

A screenshot of the FullCircl platform showing the Saved searches and Share Prospects features.
Share Searches

Intuitive user interface

Our revamped user interface is all about making your search journey easier. You can now seamlessly interact with your list during the Find process. Navigate effortlessly to a company profile and back to your existing session. You can also sort columns on your screen, making it easier to focus on what matters to you.

While we continue to enhance our search function, our core features remain within Find Companies.

Save searches

Create and save core search criteria and refine them for different scenarios.

Export data 

Export data, including mortgages and charges and people data to work with this data offline.  

Follow companies

Follow companies by adding them to watchlists. E.g. Top 10 prospects.

Monitor changes

Add companies to a watchlist to keep on top of any changes in directors or risk scores.


Email Notifications

We’ve added more information, the ability to share, and a fresh new design to our email notifications.

March 2024

We’ve added more information, the ability to share, and a fresh new design to our email notifications.

Tracking/Flags emails:

We’ve incorporated additional information within the emails to provide you with a better understanding of flagged issues. Now, in addition to the number of flags, there's information about each flag and direct links to our platform, allowing you to quickly access and address any concerns. These emails will continue to be delivered weekly.

Sector News emails:

In addition to delivering the latest updates and developments from chosen sectors; our Sector News email now provides the ability to easily share insights on your preferred social channels. This means you can effortlessly spread the latest industry trends, breaking news, and valuable news with your network, fostering a collaborative and informed community and providing reasons to engage with customers or prospects. This email will continue to be delivered weekly.


New Platform User Interface

We are excited to announce a comprehensive update to the user interface with new features and more insights to enhance your experience.

February 2024

We are excited to announce a comprehensive update to the user interface with new features and more insights to enhance your experience.

Let’s delve into the changes across various sections.

Company page

Briefing tab: The Briefing tab now includes a company logo accompanying the name and a convenient ‘Report’ button to download company information in a PDF format. Trend lines have also been added to get a quick glance at the financial information of a company.

Engagement Signals: View the last six Engagement Signals (increased from three), with additional information displaying percentage changes for a more nuanced understanding.

Tabs and information: Tabs have been replaced with a streamlined quick overview of company, finance, and credit, providing a more efficient and user-friendly interface.

Notes have been removed to ensure that the most important and relevant information is displayed on the Briefing page.

Social Tab: Twitter plugin has been temporarily removed.


Company Briefing page

Data tab

Address: We’ve added all trading addresses and an additional map view feature. Click on any address to see its location on the map and link through to street view.


Multiple trading addresses

Financials: Experience a wealth of financial data with an expanded five years’ worth of information, inclusive of Year-on-Year comparisons and percentage changes for a more comprehensive financial overview.

Five years' worth of data

Credit Risk: A new and improved Credit Risk view allows users to seamlessly switch between graph and table views, presenting information in the format that best suits your needs. A download report button has been added to enable users to create a PDF report to include the information they want to appear in the report.


Graph and table view

CCJ and Legal Notices: Formerly known as Legal, the tab is now labelled CCJ & Legal Notices.


CCJ & Legal Notices

Ownership: The Ownership tab has been improved to include Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) and Persons of Significant Control (PSC), conveniently grouped together for a more insightful analysis.


Improved Ownership tab

Shareholders: Dive into Shareholders data through a dedicated tab, featuring an updated data format based on user feedback, presented in both table and pie chart views.


Table and pie chart view

Corporate Structure: Previously Corporate Family Tree, the Corporate Structure tab has been renamed to Corporate Structure.


Corporate Structure tab

In addition, the data sections have been reordered to group together sections that are related to each other.


Company and Credit Reports

Our new Report feature enables users to download all the information we hold on a company in a PDF format. It can be customised at the point of download, enabling users to select what goes into the report based on use cases.

December 2023

Our new Report feature enables users to download all the information we hold on a company in a PDF format. It can be customised at the point of download, enabling users to select what goes into the report based on use cases.

Improved design and format: The new Report button generates a PDF of the report in a new, refreshed design.

Additional content: Users can include more of the information we hold on a company within the report.

Customisable report: The report can be customised at the point of download, enabling users to select what goes into the report based on use cases.

The new Report button replaces the Print and Email buttons on the Data tab. The Report button can be found in the company profile header section.

A report can also be generated from the Credit Risk tab.


Design Refresh

We’re revamped our platform. The new design is more than just a visual upgrade; we’ve also improved the navigation to ensure you can find what you need quickly and efficiently.

December 2023

We’re revamped our platform. The new design is more than just a visual upgrade; we’ve also improved the navigation to ensure you can find what you need quickly and efficiently.


PEPs and Sanctions via ComplyAdvantage

We’ve integrated ComplyAdvantage PEPs and Sanctions data to provide a powerful onboarding and risk management tool. Now, you can effectively screen individuals and entities against global sanctions lists and identify high-risk customers, ensuring your business stays one step ahead of potential risks.

August 2023

We’ve integrated ComplyAdvantage PEPs and Sanctions data to provide a powerful onboarding and risk management tool. Now, you can effectively screen individuals and entities against global sanctions lists and identify high-risk customers, ensuring your business stays one step ahead of potential risks.

Benefits include:

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Identification of potential risks
  • Mitigation of reputational risk

Why ComplyAdvantage

  • 1000s of sources contribute to the comprehensive global coverage of PEPs, Sanctions and Watchlists
  • All PEP profiles checked for updates daily
  • Sanction updates every 15 minutes
  • 70% reduction in false positives

Experian Delphi Score Upgrade

The Commercial Delphi Score on our platform provided by Experian has been upgraded from Gen 3 to Gen 6. This upgrade incorporates Experian's latest credit scoring advancements, providing even more accurate and insightful credit risk assessments. Allowing you to make informed decisions confidently, minimise risks, and optimise your lending processes.

August 2023

The Commercial Delphi Score on our platform provided by Experian has been upgraded from Gen 3 to Gen 6. This upgrade incorporates Experian's latest credit scoring advancements, providing even more accurate and insightful credit risk assessments. Allowing you to make informed decisions confidently, minimise risks, and optimise your lending processes.

The latest version of Commercial Delphi is Experian’s most accurate yet, combining an enhanced blend of data assets to deliver increased predictive power and informed credit decisions.

Increased predictive power enables organisations to make more effective decisions across the whole credit lifecycle, from customer acquisition and onboarding to portfolio management and collections.


Experian Credit Data into API

We’ve introduced Experian credit data within our API to streamline your acquisition and onboarding process. Seamlessly integrate up-to-date Experian datasets into your systems, applications, and workflows. The integration enhances data-driven decision-making capabilities and saves precious data acquisition and processing time.

August 2023

We’ve introduced Experian credit data within our API to streamline your acquisition and onboarding process. Seamlessly integrate up-to-date Experian datasets into your systems, applications, and workflows. The integration enhances your data-driven decision-making capabilities and saves precious data acquisition and processing time.

Endpoints include:  

  • Commercial Delphi score
  • History of credit score
  • CCJs
  • Payment data
  • Days beyond terms


Monitoring: Engagement Signals Update

We’ve added new credit and risk-based triggers that provide alerts to changes in a customer's creditworthiness and risk profile. This update to Engagement Signals will provide additional information on changes to customers' credit and risk data and give users more frequent updates, not only when accounts are filed.

August 2023

We’ve added new credit and risk-based triggers that provide alerts to changes in a customer's creditworthiness and risk profile. This update to Engagement Signals will provide additional information on changes to customers' credit and risk data and give users more frequent updates, not only when accounts are filed.

This proactive approach enables you to make informed decisions swiftly and mitigate potential risks.

New credit and risk-based triggers include:

  • Days beyond term change
  • Commercial Delphi score change
  • Credit limit change


New API Modules

Recognising the needs of our clients, we have expanded our API offering with a range of new use-case-focused modules. Our API library now offers specific datasets that align perfectly with your business requirements to help acquire new business, accelerate onboarding, and keep customers for life.

August 2023

Recognising the needs of our clients, we have expanded our API offering with a range of new use-case-focused modules. Our API library now offers specific datasets that align perfectly with your business requirements to help acquire new business, accelerate onboarding, and keep customers for life. 


Smart Products Launch

We’re thrilled to announce an updated suite of products marking the next exciting chapter in the evolution of our business as we strive to help financially regulated organisations overcome their biggest commercial challenges. Initially launching with three distinct solutions (SmartBanker, SmartBroker, SmartOnboard), developed in partnership with experts from the banking, insurance, and wider financial sectors, allows us to uniquely cater for the specific needs of our customers.

June 2023

We’re thrilled to announce an updated suite of products marking the next exciting chapter in the evolution of our business as we strive to help financially regulated organisations overcome their biggest commercial challenges.

Initially launching with three distinct solutions (SmartBanker, SmartBroker, SmartOnboard), developed in partnership with experts from the banking, insurance, and wider financial sectors, allows us to uniquely cater for the specific needs of our customers.


SmartBanker is designed specifically for frontline corporate, commercial, and business banking and financial services teams - business development, relationship management and account management.

It includes all the relevant features from our FullCircl Engage solution plus additional features to provide the most comprehensive data set and features to streamline workflows, acquire new business, and increase client retention.  


Designed specifically for insurance brokers by insurance brokers, SmartBroker delivers rich, contextualised company information on every business in the UK and Ireland and increases sales distribution capacity.

By leveraging data-driven insights, brokers can identify new opportunities and build strong, long-term relationships that drive growth and revenue.


SmartOnboard has been designed to help financial institutions enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their commercial customers’ onboarding processes by leveraging data-driven insights, helping with regulatory obligations, and meeting customer demands.​

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Credit and Risk Premium Data Extension (PDE)

We’ve added a new Premium Data Extension to our portfolio. You can now find Credit and Risk data from Experian on the Company Data page.

May 2023

We’ve added a new Premium Data Extension to our portfolio. You can now find Credit and Risk data from Experian on the Company Data page.


Data includes

  • Risk Summary
  • Commercial Delphi Score
  • Credit Essentials
  • Credit Limit and Credit Rating History Graph
  • Payment Days Beyond Terms Graph

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Follow Button on Group Explorer

We’ve added a Follow button on Group Explorer which allows you to follow a company directly from the Group Explorer feature.

March 2023

We’ve added a Follow button on Group Explorer which allows you to follow a company directly from the Group Explorer feature.

No items found.

Ownership and Corporate Family Tree Data

We've improved our ownership and corporate family tree data. Understanding company ownership structures and beneficial owners can help to improve customer onboarding, reduce risk through ongoing monitoring, and meet regulatory requirements.

February 2023

We've improved our ownership and corporate family tree data. Understanding company ownership structures and beneficial owners can help to improve customer onboarding, reduce risk through ongoing monitoring, and meet regulatory requirements.

The improved Ownership data tab now includes the following:

  • New Summary of Ownership
  • New Companies House Persons of Significant Control
  • New Beta Ultimate Beneficial Owners. This will be available to all customers in the Beta version but will become a Premium Data Extension (PDE) once it’s launched.
  • Updated Shareholder  information - data from the BIG

The improved Corporate Family Tree data tab includes:

  • Updated Corporate Family Tree - data from the BIG bringing it in line with Group Explorer
  • Direct link to Group Explorer from Corporate Family Tree
  • Additional Subsidiary data
  • New Portfolio companies

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BIG Data for Data and Briefing Page

Financials on the Data and Briefing page are now updated daily via the Business Information Graph (B.I.G.).

November 2022

Financials on the Data and Briefing page are now updated daily via the Business Information Graph (B.I.G.).

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Extended Director Information

Knowing who sits on the board of directors in a company can reveal important insight into how the company operates. We’ve improved Director information for Registered companies.

November 2022

Knowing who sits on the board of directors in a company can reveal important insight into how the company operates. We’ve improved Director information for Registered companies.

Our data is now updated daily and includes

  • New Director Summary Data
  • Changes to the list of Director data returned and its filters – including retired and closed directorships and a change to filter options
  • Director profiles – additional information added, including identifying shareholders, closed/retired directors, and disqualifications
  • Directorships overview – a summary of an individual’s directorship, the complete list of companies, and the ability to follow those companies directly from the overview section

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Improved CRM Panel

We’ve made improvements to the FullCircl panel in CRM solutions enabling you to see the number of Engagement Signals for your target companies.

August 2022

We’ve made improvements to the FullCircl panel in CRM solutions enabling you to see the number of Engagement Signals for your target companies.

These signals notify you of Next-Best-Actions to take on an account, helping to mitigate risk, facilitate deeper client engagement and maximise growth opportunities.

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Enhanced FullCircl API with Decision Engine

This enhancement enables businesses to programmatically screen customers based on their customised rules and policies using the FullCircl decision engine.

July 2022

This enhancement enables businesses to programmatically screen customers based on their customised rules and policies using the FullCircl decision engine. Helping businesses to:

  • Reduce cost to acquire and serve: increase speed and efficiency by automating manual effort, including when pre-screening potential customers
  • Automate onboarding decisions: automatically execute compliance checks at the point of origination, automate onboarding decisions and store the results for future reference and audit, and pre-approving credit for underwriting decisions.

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HMRC Import and Export Data

We’ve added a HMRC Import and Export data Premium Data Extension to our portfolio. HMRC Import and Export data allows users to identify which of their customers are trading internationally and understand where they may need additional support or products.

July 2022

We’ve added a HMRC Import and Export data Premium Data Extension to our portfolio.

HMRC Import and Export data allows users to identify which of their customers are trading internationally and understand where they may need additional support or products.

Accessed from the Data page, the HMRC Import and Exports tab allows users to view one month’s worth of data. Users can search for a specific line item by description or code, and filter between import and export.

This will be sold as a Premium Data Extension (PDE).

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Group Explorer

We’ve added a new feature which provides a visual way to discover company hierarchies to improve onboarding speed and reduce risk.

May 2022

We’ve added a new feature which provides a visual way to discover company hierarchies to improve onboarding speed and reduce risk. Group Explorer makes it easy for frontline and middle office teams to navigate entire company structures, drill into parent companies and subsidiaries, and see international linkages to:

  • Understand a company’s organisational hierarchy
  • Identify the relationships between customers/prospects and other group entities
  • Visually explore Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) to satisfy regulatory requirements